Thursday, February 27, 2020

EDLE 640 - Assignment 1 Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

EDLE 640 - Assignment 1 - Speech or Presentation Example Therefore, much as we would commit ourselves to achieving our goals or the goals of the organizations we work with, it must all start with loving the other people. Therefore, the first secret to successful leadership, according to Fullan is, Love Your Employees (Fullan, 2008). While being hindered by others in the course of a goal attainment mission, realizing full potential becomes practically impossible. Therefore, the necessity to Connect Peers with a Purpose; which is the second secret to good leadership as discussed by Fullan, becomes necessary. Connecting the peers with ones purpose and objective; personal, professional or organizational, enhances and facilities the goal attainment (Fullan, 2008). Thus connectivity with the people should be much more than just collaborating with them. It requires more of firm interconnection of the peers, and upholding capacity building as the priority for the organization. Facilitating the free social interactions within the peers and creating a favorable environment for them to engage in creativity and innovation, without the fear of being reprimanded for failure, allows individuals to move out of their comfort zones and engage in more risky affairs, which eventually develops full human capacity (Fullan, 2008). While we work towards realizing our goals with the interest of the other people at the fore front, the goal attainment mission becomes justifiable as a personal initiative, and also as a societal collaboration towards a better life for ourselves and for the rest. Social collaboration is enhanced through applying the third secret as discussed by Fullan, which is to ensure Capacity Building Prevails. I have lived in three different countries in the course of my education and professional development; born in Australia, studying in the USA and gaining working experience in London. But in all these movements, I have found that valuing other people is what counts much towards any progress and development, personal, pr ofessional or organizational, since it is only through the support of others, that an individual can realize their full potential, and thus help their organizations to achieve the optimum (Fullan, 2008). Offering leadership and ability demonstration opportunities is fundamental to the development of individuals. Thus, having the mentality that Learning is the Work; forms the fourth secret towards successful leadership. This point to the fact that; learning is the main job within any job, since knowledge and experience improvement forms the basis of career and professional development, as well as personal growth (Fullan, 2008). While individuals are exercising their duties and mandates in the work place, they should not cease to learn, because working with others and through others helps to develop the full potential, and reawakens the talents hidden within an individual’s ability. My first promotion to a high leadership position was when I was 28 years, while teaching at St M ary’s Parish School in Warren, where I was promoted to the rank of Assistant Principal. This enabled me to exercise my teaching roles, while at the same time learning how to lead an institution, an experience that put my everyday as a purely learning day. Within the one year period that I spent as the Assistant Principa

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Preschool Observation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Preschool Observation - Essay Example Since, this is the age when the kids are away from the parents probably for the first time especially from their mothers, it required more attention of the teacher than any other class. The interest of the kids also varies some may like a particular activity while the others do not, it becomes imperative to identify the interests of the kids of this level by the teacher. The teacher was intended to create trust in the children so that they confide on her and feel free to grasp from her teaching. The teacher was friendlier and involved herself with the kids to perform activities and at the same time she was explaining these activities with the help of stories and rhymes. Some of the kids could follow the teachers' instructions while others were not able to understand anything and were crying all the time asking for the mother. The teacher was forced to take more care of such kids and helped them with chocolates or any toys of their interest. Some kids felt hungry and they asked for fo od and teacher had to open their lunch boxes for them to provide them their favorite stuff to eat while others were not intending to eat. This was creating a bit of chaos in the classroom and was becoming difficult for the teacher to manage out well with the kids of this age group. The teacher was intentional to keep the children engaged but was not able to differentiate the instructions and therefore could not keep the children engaged as otherwise she could have with a planned work. Teaching/Instructional Process A proper planning is vital to teach and handle these young budding minds. It is the formative years of their lives and therefore it is imperative to make them learn under discipline. The prime responsibility of the teacher is to create interest and also at the same time understand the psychology of the child, his/her likings and disliking and also the interest of each and every child. If this is done then half of the job is done for the teacher. In order to minimize the chaos there has to be a proper training to differentiate between eating and playing/ activities timings. When the child is not taking much interest the teacher should have involved the child making him/her sit near her and do the work or if the child needs help the teacher should provide help to the child in making the blocks arranging the pictures in a particular order and solving the puzzles and the teacher should be a constant source of encouragement to the child if he/she does even the minor things, this was lacking in the class and therefore there was so much chaos and the teacher was not able to handle them well. Kids need to eat and drink water quite often so after the accomplishment of a particular task they should be appreciated and when all have finished their task then they should be allowed to eat. This practice will make them be disciplined and will eat only at the time of eating rather than creating the chaos as some are eating while others are not. This will help the teacher also to manage the kids well and also to keep the kids engaged in one particular directed activity. When the teacher was playing with the kids, e.g. moving in a circle then at that time the teacher was saying "round and round kids" rather she could have taught them rhyme "ring-a-ring roses.." this rhyme is enjoyed by the kids and will help them learning during fun. The teacher was simply telling story to the kids rather she could