Thursday, September 3, 2020

Prestigious Fast Food Restaurant -Burger King Research Paper

Esteemed Fast Food Restaurant - Burger King - Research Paper Example In addition, Burger King supports and lets clients redo the selective fire cooked burgers with decisions thus numerous choices just as they would prefer. This makes a solid and solid connection between Burger King and the client. The cheap food additionally has the advantage of offering various things and the client benefits by having a few burger alternatives. Burger King has extended their menu yet at the same time, they have stayed consistent with their one of a kind and unique fire cooked burgers. This fire seared gives them advantage over other inexpensive food chains. Burger King is giving extraordinary compared to other client care, menu choice, neatness, and sound decisions. On the off chance that the climate of a feasting region is fascinating, more individuals will need to eat there. That is one of the significant reasons that attract more clients to Burger King. By mid-2009, Burger King was not in any of the accompanying nations: Pakistan, India, Nigeria, South Africa and France. In any case, presently they are growing their more and have a few branches in these nations too. In searching for new nations to enter, Burger King needs to discover more nations to extend that is appropriate in a perfect world. They ought to go for the nations with higher populaces and ideally youth and centralizations of urban action. Neighborhood counts calories containing high devouring of meat would be rousing and empowering in light of the fact that their mark items are made of hamburger. Also, territories which are sheltered, support the politically steady business condition and have accessible capital are perfect. Burger King Restaurants are fundamentally known for the kind of food they serve, which is regular cheap food comprising of chicken sandwiches and cheeseburger. Side dishes contain the standard French fries, yet they additionally have more beneficial alternatives, for example, apple fries. Kids going to birthday celebrations at Burger King get cardboard crow ns to wear on their heads. Burger King is a worldwide organization with an establishment area all through the world. There are areas in every one of the 50 states in the United States, and in 69 different nations. The complete number of areas overall is 11,200 with more than 11 million visitors visiting Burger King every day, as indicated by Burger King's site. Burger King contends with a wide range of food retailers based on costs, food characteristics, accommodation and client administrations. 1.1 Competitive Advantage Burger King has been in direct rivalry with burger mammoth McDonald's since Burger King's commencement in the 1950's. It is at present the number two burger chain on the planet behind McDonald's. Other direct contenders of Burger King are Yum and Wendy's In request to draw in new clients and to stay serious, Burger King is proceeding with its market development methodology. Embracing a serious methodology in an association will pass on an incentive to your shoppers and the network. Burger King is contending in the dynamic food retail industry. Clients have an assortment of decisions of food. Contrasts that Burger King endeavor are self-evident, by understanding the need of their clients, and the drive for a sensible burger with a lot of meeting. Burger King is working to exploit the pieces of the pie and increment the income across nations. Likewise, the cheap food industry is as yet the main food retail segment in the United States and this draws in heaps of nearby and local organizations to join the industry.â â

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Engineering Leadership and Change Resistance- myassignmenthelp

Question: Examine about theEngineering Leadership and Change Resistance for Customers. Answer: Building is a significant field since it encourages the specialists to manufacture and plan things or structures that meet the desires for the recipients and clients. The specialists should utilize important initiative abilities to convince the group to receive the changes. In view of the contextual investigation, building ventures stay testing [1]. Actually, even a straightforward task may require new specialized methodologies and imagination to accomplish the outcomes. Significantly, the designing heads are at the focal point of these activities with the goal that the undertakings can run easily. The group and end-clients expect quality work in this way live up to their desires. In any case, it is basic to separate among the board and initiative. As indicated by Leopold and Kaltenecker [1], the executives is a receptive conduct since it includes tending to the day by day issues through organizing, sorting out, and arranging. The supervisor must comprehend the unique circumstance an d requirements related with the task. On the hand, a researcher Monson [2] found that administration is a proactive turn of events and advancement. The pioneer once in a while values the constrained assets yet centers around improving the accessible and expected assets. Significantly, the pioneer must impart the normal potential, morals, and practices. This suggests pioneers make the best choice while directors do things right. In this way, authority is basic in making a culture that keeps up steadiness and consistency. Foundation In view of the case, change will improve the viability and life of the association. Since change is never a simple assignment, the pioneers have the character that can shape the way of life. It is essential to distinguish the difficulties that have influenced the change procedure. These could incorporate the inward mix and outside adjustment [3]. The designing administration must react to the outside condition identified with requests. The initiative ought to likewise mix the individual endeavors to make lucid practices among the colleagues. The foreseen change can happen when the building administration recognizes the impetuses [4]. For example, the new innovations and forceful market rivalry could be pushing the firm to look for new roads. The disappointment by an association to react can prompt misfortunes or poor efficiency. Unquestionably, if the administration neglects to think about change, the association would be presented to various perils including leaving business, lose a ssociations, piece of the overall industry, and experience prohibitive and boundaries to its tasks. The organization will likewise encounter the individual effect, for example, losing impact and pictures [5]. The pioneers need to illuminate the representatives that remain to lose their positions for neglecting to receive the changes. Jobs of the Engineer The specialist is a specialized chief whose work rotates around people. As a pioneer, the chief needs to comprehend that forming the experience of others would be reasonable in light of the fact that this will assist them with meeting their requirements and objectives. This includes the utilization of value-based and vote based authority characteristics [6]. The authority approach will guarantee everybody stays cheerful, connected with, and beneficial. The pioneer ought to arrange standard gatherings with individuals to survey their presentation and address any barricades or issues influencing their activities. Monson [2] shows that the task head needs to improve the undertaking to make it justifiable. The pioneer needs to must be specialists who practices are noteworthy. The specialists must set up a solid relationship with colleagues since they have pertinent aptitudes and experience to address the circumstance. Defeating protection from change The pioneer ought to consider making an away from of the change as the initial step. After deciding the purpose behind these changes, the venture can be viable. Truth be told, this progression can include hazard examination, on the grounds that even the group are chances as they neutralize the achievement of the venture [6]. The specialist or group pioneer ought to be powerful in permitting others to purchase in the thought. Protection from change requires the contribution of value-based and transformational pioneers who have what it takes to diminish vulnerability and dread among the workers in this manner boosting their resolve [7]. Transformational and value-based pioneers are relied upon to grasp participative and cooperative administration aptitudes [8]. Accordingly, structuring a dream for this venture will advance seeing in this manner picture the effect. Moreover, the pioneer ought to consider getting criticism consistently. For example, before the pioneer makes any radical declaration with respect to the change, it is critical to counsel specialists and get the applicable input. This includes the utilization of key scholars among the colleagues with the goal that their data sources can be thought of. The discussion and criticism should proceed all through the task [9]. The pioneer needs to consider directing reviews and after death meetings to feature the issues. The third stage includes making the declaration about the change and plan. Significantly, researchers Radzi and Othman [10] asserted that changes must be persuasive driven. In view of the vision, the pioneer must concentrate on conveying in this manner make it important and help individuals to acknowledge change. In spite of the fact that the worker will experience the phases of pain, the group will acknowledge it finally. In the primary stage, the workers were trying to claim ignorance of the change [6]. Be that as it may, after understanding the truth of these changes, they picked up outrage to oppose on account of misconception. With the value-based and law based authority, it is conceivable to convince them consequently permitting them to deal. The indications of discouragement will be clear as they gradually acknowledge the truth. All in all, protection from change gives off an impression of being the foreseen reaction of individuals. Workers and groups consistently attempt to make an interpretation of these progressions to individual sentiments or setting prompting dread. The pioneers must deliver these feelings of dread to win the certainty of the devotees. Significantly, it is reasonable for the pioneer to include the workforce in discovering answers for the issues. Proceeded with commitment causes the workforce to produce new thoughts and forestall poorly conceived notions. Accordingly, the organization ought to set up correspondence plan and mentor to guarantee that each partner is welcomed on board in this manner lessen their opposition. The administrators need to utilize the best authority approach including value-based and majority rule where the colleagues are associated with the dynamic. Works Cited Leopold S. Kaltenecker, Kanban Change Leadership: Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, 2015. J. Monson, Engineering Leadership: How to Create an Effective Engineering Organization. Brilliant Valley, Minn.: RJM, 2017. E. McCleary, G.M. Crow, and J. L. Matthews, Leadership: A Relevant and Realistic Role for Principals. New York: Routledge, 2014.. T. S. Harvey, The best chiefs face determined challenges, gaining from disappointment as they go, The Telegraph, May 12, 2017. [Online]. Accessible: face challenges gaining from-disappointment/ Berube, Are your workers opposing change? It might be something to be thankful for, Life Cycle Engineering, 2016. [Online]. Accessible: 6. McCauley, Essentials of Engineering Leadership and Innovation. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 2017. Thuijsman, Leadership styles and their effect on workers with respect to the acknowledgment of hierarchical change, IBA Bach. theory, Fucul. of Behav., Mgnt, and Soc. Sci. July 2, 2015. [Online]. Accessible: R. Plants, This is what significant designing administration resembles, First-round, n.d. [Online]. Accessible: building authority resembles/ Matsudaira and K. Stull, Combating protection from change: how to get others ready for new thoughts, Safari, July 1, 2014. [Online]. Accessible: from change/ I. M. Radzi and R. Othman, Resistance to change: The directing impacts of pioneer part trade and job expansiveness self-adequacy, Journal of Advanced Management Science, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 72-76, Jan. 2016.

Friday, August 21, 2020

A Martyrs Victory In A Spiritual Sense :: essays research papers fc

A Martyr's Victory from a Spiritual Perspective      Bishop Francis X. Passage was a knowledgeable, colossally delicate man, that was kicked, beaten, offended, and encompassed by contempt. This as a result of one keeps an eye on convictions. He was conceived in Brooklyn in 1892. He was the author of the Maryknoll Missionaries and was the principal religious administrator of Kwantung, China. He was murdered in the late 1950's in China, he was accused of against Communist, counterrevolutionary, and secret activities exercises, his genuine "crime" was for being a Christian and an outsider.      During his life Bishop Ford outlined the cardinal excellence of backbone, which is the capacity to beat dread so as to seek after great; "it is a functioning purpose to beat detestable for divine beings kingdom" said Huggard. At the point when he took office in China, the nation was at that point feeling the impacts of the gigantic Japanese development across Asia. In a brief timeframe millions lost there lives and were driven from that point homes. Diocesan portage would not leave the war-torn nation, considerably after the Japanese assault on Pearl Harbor brought the United States into the war. During this time he separated himself by the manner in which he thought about war displaced people. Chinese followed through on a horrible cost during this war with Japan, however even all the more exorbitant was a common war that followed. Religious administrator Ford exemplified the temperance of grit, by not leaving the war-torn nation and remaining to attempt to seek after great.      During this season of war, many would think about what was the explanation behind him to remain in China, and what was his for what reason to live? In the Novel A Mans Search For Which means, Nietzsche says "he who has a for what reason to live can hold up under with practically any how". In the event that Ford had left the nation during the hour of war, there would have likely been no desire for the war evacuees that didn't have the choice to remain or on the other hand go. His for what reason to live was not to spare himself, yet to spare others. In the Novel Frankl portrays the human individual as a significance creator, who has the last human opportunity to be specific to pick one mentality in a given situation. In 1950, he moved from his Diocese in Kaying China, to a political jail in Canton 200, miles away. At each stop en route he was put out there for anyone to see and embarrassed. His disposition during these stops was not to give and let the embarrassment make get to him, however to utilize it as a venturing stone to battle more enthusiastically, he did the unavoidable he utilized the mortification to improve him.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Higher education is a buyers market

Higher education is a buyer’s market Inside Higher Ed, one of higher education’s leading news outlets, recently conducted a nationwide survey of college admission directors. The newly-released results are shocking, and reveal a profession entirely different than that portrayed in popular media. Instead of sifting through an excess of qualified applicants, most admissions officers will spend this fall trying unsuccessfully to meet their enrollment goals, as the supply of quality higher education continues to outpace (eligible) student demand. Consider the following findings: More than 60 percent of admissions directors surveyed in 2014 had not filled their respective classes by the traditional May 1 notification deadline. More than 30 percent of admission directors spent the spring and summer of 2014 recruiting students who had already committed to attending other colleges—a practice that is effectively banned by the National Association for College Admissions Counseling. Nearly 80 percent of admission dire ctors are moderately-to-very concerned about meeting enrollment goals for the 2014-2015 admissions cycle.Although the above findings inspire fear among every college administrator outside of the Ivy League, they should have the opposite effect on college applicants and convey a few admission-related truths:1. The application process does not end in November.The rise of Early Decision, Early Action, and priority/VIP applications does not indicate a more competitive admissions process wherein applying early is a must; it reflects an increasingly competitive and desperate four-year college sector that is willing to adopt almost every strategy under the sun to increase applications and enrollment yield. Trust us, time is on your side. Although meeting a November deadline can offer very modest advantages at a few select â€Å"Early Decision† colleges, using the months of December and January to solidify your college preferences and improve your applications is perfectly appropriat e, even encouraged, given that the overwhelming majority of institutions need to accept students meeting their admissions criteria, regardless of whether they apply by the early or regular decision deadline.2.  There is a lot of money to be won.In an effort to boost attendance and meet enrollment targets, many colleges have devoted an increasing share of their budgets to attracting desirable students via the offering of merit-based (i.e. non-need-based) financial aid. Using merit scholarships to lure high-achieving or high-scoring students can improve a college’s ranking and eventually its desirability, ultimately fueling enrollment. And because â€Å"high-achieving† and â€Å"desirable† are relative terms, you don’t have to be an academic superstar to earn merit money. A number of reputable schools now offer sizable merit awards to â€Å"B† students. Please see our post on winning merit aid to learn more.3.  If you’re a good high school student, you can attend a great college.There were many outstanding institutions that failed to meet their enrollment goals in 2014, and each was recruiting good (not necessarily great) students well into the summer. Here are a few:Beloit College Drexel University Eckerd College Juniata College Knox College Lake Forest College Lewis Clark College Mills College New College of Florida St. Mary’s College (MD) University of Arizona University of Maryland, College ParkThis list and the survey highlighted above offer indisputable evidence that higher education is indeed a buyer’s market. This fact should compel students to adopt an admission strategy that is based on confidence, rather than worry, and take comfort in the fact that any applicant with an open mind and decent transcript can attend an excellent college at an affordable price.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Fourth Extinction By Elizabeth Kolbert - 1477 Words

On a day to day basis most people take for granite the lives we get to live, along with putting to much value on the extra things such as materialistic items. Also, the majority of humans are too invested in their personal lives or with themselves that they do not look at the big picture of how what we are doing now will effect us later. As humans are routines in our lives can bring us harm, and within time a we may become the sixth extinction. I believe we threaten human existence as a species and it can eventually lead to destroying our own comfortable lives we have created for ourselves. In the beginning of the book â€Å"The Sixth Extinction† by Elizabeth Kolbert, she mentions a species of a frog that is going extinct because of a fungus that has been brought over by humans and has been spread around by water. It is attention-grabbing for the majority of people to find out what is happening to these frogs and for people who share an interest with frogs it is concerning. Ei ther its interesting or concerning it is important to know how these fogs are dying if humans seem to not be bringing harm to them on purpose, most would assume the fungus occurred naturally. However, in the book Kolbert mentions â€Å"Without being loaded by someone onto a boat or a plane, it would have been impossible for a frog carrying Bd to get from Africa to Australia or from North America to Europe† (Kolbert 18). Since Humans have altered the way we live and it is constantly changing it was only a matterShow MoreRelatedThe Fourth Extinction : An Unnatural History By Elizabeth Kolbert1112 Words   |  5 Pagesfive major mass extinction on earth triggered by a distinguishable event, but in The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History, Elizabeth Kolbert writes of the narrative of the sixth extinction caused directly by human impact. The book identifies the effects of human activity on how, over humans history on earth, the natural world has been affected. Every environmen tal impact stems into three basic groups of global problems to nature: Pollution, Habitat loss and Invasive Species. Kolbert explains thatRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pages7 percent. The more-developed countries of Asia (Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and, in smaller numbers, South Korea and Taiwan) account for 4 percent and 6 percent if Israel is added. And so-called south-to-south migrations make up the remaining fourth (see table 1.4). 36 †¢ CHAPTER 1 TABLE 1.4: PLACE OF RESIDENCE OF INTERNATIONAL MIGRANTS IN 2005 Region or Country Number % of Total Northwestern Southern Europe 41,737,698 22 United States 38,354,709 20

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Understanding Islam and Muslims Essay - 2071 Words

Most people know little or nothing about Islam, they have many misconceptions about Muslim beliefs and rituals. Regardless, Islam has gained a large following and is the second largest religion in the world. Hopefully some of the questions about Islam, Sunni Islam in particular, will be answered through research and a visit to the Islamic Center of the Inland Empire. This paper will cover the history of the religion, the history of Al-Masjid al-Ha ram or â€Å"The Holy Mosque, the art, the religious meeting, and personal views of a religious leader. Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, is a monotheistic religion based on the belief in one God. There are two main divisions in the Islam religion, they are Sunni and Shi’a. The separation of the†¦show more content†¦This contrasts with the Shia Muslim belief that Muhammad himself appointed his first successor to be Ali ibn Abi Talib as the first Caliph and the first Muslim imam (David Krusch). Abu Bakr survived for about two years, 632-634. Three more caliphs followed ‘Umar (634-644), ‘Uthman (644-656), and ‘Ali (656-662). At first, the power struggles were able to conceal internal disunion, but this only produced a festering schism that persists even now. In the modern era, the country of Iraq is an example of this. Minority Sunnis ruled and persecuted Shiites under the government of Saddam Hussein. The Sunni division is known for their Schools of jurisprudence. Ibn Hanbal, Ahmad was a leading Sunni Scholar theologian who was the founder of the Hanbali legal school, a popular defender of traditional Islamic Piety against Muslims rationalists and the Abbasid Caliphate. Hanabals believe that God had many names and attributes as mentions in the Koran. Hanbali law is considered to be very conservative and strict and is mainly prevalent in Saudi Arabia. Of the four main Sunni legal schools one of the largest and most widespread, after that of the Hanafis, is the Shafii Legal School. It dates to the ninth century and bears the name of its founder, Muhammad’ ibn idris al-shaFii (Campo, Juan Eduardo 617). This school is based off some of the opinions of Muhammad’s companions, but mostly fromShow MoreRelatedMy Understanding About Islam And The Muslims966 Words   |  4 PagesThis class reinforced my understanding about Islam and â€Å"Muslims.† it opened my eyes to various things that I would not think about on my own. These are details I just do not take the time to reflect upon. In short, my paper will focus on the concepts of acculturation and assimilation. I have noticed these concepts in the books and articles we have read throughout the quarter. In the book entitled A History of Islam in The America by Kambiz GhaneaBassiri, he discusses the fact that many of the enslavedRead MoreEssay on Islam The Straight Path989 Words   |  4 Pages Islam The Straight Path   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An evaluation of the book by John L. Esposito: Islam The Straight Path. In this book , Esposito provides a succinct, up-to-date survey of the Islamic experience, an introduction to the faith, belief, and practice of Islam from its origins to its contemporary resurgence. He traces the emergence and development of this dynamic faith and its impact on world history and politics. He discusses the formation of Islamic belief and practice (law, theology, philosophy,Read MoreUnderstanding Islam1309 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"Understanding Islam† by Kenneth Jost, pg. 172 – 176 Islam is an ill-perceived religion throughout most of the Western world. Once known as a quiet and peaceful religion, the general perception of people from other religions and most of the world upon Islam is quite distorted. Ever since the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, an influx of discrimination and prejudice towards Islam and Muslims has spread throughout the world. In â€Å"Understanding Islam,† by Kenneth Jost, an article aboutRead MoreIslam the Straight Path1014 Words   |  5 PagesIslam The Straight Path An evaluation of the book by John L. Esposito: Islam The Straight Path. In this book , Esposito provides a succinct, up-to-date survey of the Islamic experience, an introduction to the faith, belief, and practice of Islam from its origins to its contemporary resurgence. He traces the emergence and development of this dynamic faith and its impact on world history and politics. He discusses the formation of Islamic belief and practice (law, theology, philosophy, and mysticism)Read More Thomas W. Lippmans Understanding Islam Essay1224 Words   |  5 PagesThomas W. Lippmans Understanding Islam Thomas W. Lippman gives an introduction to the Muslim world in the book Understanding Islam. He has traveled throughout the Islamic world as Washington Post bureau chief for the Middle East, and as a correspondent in Indochina. This gave him, in his own words, sharp insight into the complexities of that turbulent region. However, the purpose of the book is not to produce a critical or controversial interpretation of Islamic scripture. It is insteadRead MoreIslam’S Nationalism, Ethnicity, And Religion . Since The1469 Words   |  6 Pageswe can see that they are different, but similar in many aspects and backgrounds. Comparing the two will entail a better understanding on the importance, impact, and approaches that one can pursue to better define Islam and Christianity’s impact in modern day. First, understanding the background and core of Islam is vital to better understating its development and impact. Islam was first founded in the 7th Century by the prophet Muhammad who is said to be guided by the angel Gabriel, who likewiseRead MoreThe Media s Perception Of Islam And Islam918 Words   |  4 PagesWest and Islam. The media has contributed to how the Western civilization views Islam and Muslims which essentially created the idea of an â€Å"us† versus â€Å"them† mentality instead of coexisting with one another. How people see the world is through the media. The Western media has not contributed positive images. Therefore, misunderstandings of Islam and Muslims have created negative perceptions. This paper will discuss the West’s perception of Islam and how the media has defined Islam and Muslims. SinceRead MoreReligion1264 Words   |  6 PagesMisconceptions about Islam – A personal perspective Islam may be the most misunderstood religion in the United States. The impression that majority of non-Muslim Americans have is usually obtained through the media which typically represent Islamic countries or groups in the middle of a Holy War. These wars are usually waged by Islamic Fundamentalist who use terrorism and other violent acts to get their messages across giving Islam a negative reputation. Because of the lack of understanding of this highlyRead MoreThe Rise Of Islamophobia Has Affected The Lives Of Many Muslims Living Of Western Countries1708 Words   |  7 PagesRacialization of Islam In the past decade, especially the last two years, the rise of Islamophobia has affected the lives of many Muslims living in Western countries. Islamophobia by nature is racist, it makes general assumptions of a large group of people who share a common belief system. Making any generalization of the followers of Islam or of Islam itself, will oversimplify what is a diverse and complex global religious tradition. Yet western converts to Islam are often met with incomprehensionRead MoreWorldview/Religion Analysis of Islam Essay1238 Words   |  5 PagesWorldview/Religion Analysis of Islam By Elizabeth Case Student ID: L6924379 Presented to: Dr. Raymond Johnson In partial fulfillment of the requirements of Introduction to Apologetics APOL 500 Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Lynchburg, VA April 3, 2011 Worldview/Religion Analysis of Islam Summary of Islam The Arabic term Islam literally means â€Å"surrender† or â€Å"submission†. The followers of Islam, known as Muslims (from the active participle of Islam), accept or surrender

The Tradegy of JUlius Caesar Essay Example For Students

The Tradegy of JUlius Caesar Essay I.In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar William Shakespeare proves that an individuals character flaws will ultimately cause his or her demise.II. Caesars naivete and arroganceA.He is a dreamer 716B.Yet if my name were 721C.Id rather tell thee 722D. Caesar shall go 743E.Cowards die 743F.The gods do this 743G.Have I in conquest 744H. I must prevent thee 752I.Constant as the north 753III.Cassiuss evilness, greed, hastiness, nervousnessAll fo these quotes are found in the tradegy of julius caesar the reader would be wse to lok in the book for more aditional quotes, and base his paper on how people in some degree cause their own deaths. weather it be ther love or parks and on ther stroll to a park they get hit by a car or it may be the fact that they are greedy and their dick invovlment in shady opperations h a s c a u s e d t h e i r u n t i m e l y deaths. There are countles examples of this throughout how history. this paper is not many words do I need very conclusive for I am not verygood, but this fuck you is give a sold idea to work from howdy there is a good possiability that the reader can draw a strong connection the the chaos theory. son las dias? nuevaes benero en el bano. the chaos theory states that everything is connect. for example because a buttefly flpped his or her fuck wings richard gear the gay actor had a pinao in brooklyn dropped on his head. i i evdent that peope enjoy the ice cream sandwhich frm time to time espicley whe it is injected i to their beards. its only factual that marvin gaye was a prphet in his onw right como estats? a good resource diary is the one method man. you wuld be wise to eat penut butter out of your neighbors ass hole. ys the answere si yea that am drunk and getting more and more as we speak. hahaha see the workd connectionbeing drawn to the sun from here tnas thatmkd ietoy for all of you r time mothae fuxcker s jhahah jfiekd eo Words/ Pages : 370 / 24